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Leavenworth County

4-H Forms


ENROLL here using 4-H Online

Member and Leader Resources

Be a volunteer!

Beginning in the 2019-2020 4-H program year, the 4-H Volunteer process has been streamlined.  When 4-H Volunteers enroll through 4honline the process will take the place of what once was the volunteer application and the reenrollment forms.  Once volunteers enter their information in the system, they will simply have to reenroll each year, the same way youth currently do through 4honline.  For a step-by-step process, please visit the 4HOnline Family Resources page and view "Enrollment Guides".

Online Volunteer Orientation information/instructions

Club Day Resources

Club Day Sections

Presentation Overview

Project Resources

Explore the project guide here!

Link to Kansas 4-H Library

National 4-H Curriculum

Leadership Project Plan

Leadership Reference Form

Leadership Project Descriptions

Club Officer Resources

So you've been elected to be an officer? Get your job description here!

MEMBERS - Record Book

Member's Record Resources

Member's Record includes Check sheet, personal page, permanent record, 4-H story (a summary of your 4-H year) and photographs.  Member's records are not judged but simply checked by your club leader to make sure requirements are met.  The members record is required in order to be eligible for any membership pins. 

Record Book Check Sheet

4-H Personal Page

Permanent Record Q & A

Permanent Record

Project Report Form Resources

Project report forms are filled out for each project.  A 4-her can choose whether they complete a project report form for one project or more than one.  4-hers may also choose to not do one at all and just complete a member's record and that is okay too.  Unlike members’ records, project report forms are judged at the county level.  Senior project report forms are eligible to advance to regionals and state levels if they are selected as the project winner.  4-hers who fill out a project report form are eligible to win a project pin in that area.  Pins are awarded to the top project report forms in that project area. 

Project Recognition Check Sheet (fillable PDF)

Junior General Project Report Form (ages 7-9) fillable PDF

Junior Animal Project Report Form (ages 7-9) fillable PDF

Intermediate General Project Report Form (ages 10-13) fillable PDF

Intermediate Animal Project Report Form (ages 10-13) fillable PDF

Senior General Project Report Form (ages 14-18) fillable PDF

Senior Animal Project Report Form (ages 14-18) fillable PDF


Other resources for project report forms and member's record can be found on our state 4-H website through the following link: 

Kansas 4-H/Resources/Awards and Recognition


LEADERS - Record Book Resources

Leavenworth County 4-H Club Summary Form

Club Project Award Summary Checklist

Organization Report Form

4-H Club Pin / Special Award Nomination Form

Club Project Award Summary

Club Member's Record Summary